
Lockdown Projects

We are piloting new projects over the next few weeks and will soon be able to share more information with you. In the meantime, here is a little bit about each project…

Stories by Phone (co-produced with PeopleSpeakUp)

We’ve been so excited to see so many storytelling projects moving online, and the wealth of performance work and projects currently taking place in virtual storyspace. But what about people who don’t have access to the internet? How do we keep working with these groups during lockdown, many of whom are isolated and at risk?

Working in collaboration with storyteller Phil Okwedy and PeopleSpeakUp, we are trialling new ways of connecting with older people by sharing and exchanging stories over the phone.

Story Gatherers (co-produced with PeopleSpeakUp)

Working closely with schools and care homes in Carmarthenshire, we’re collaborating with PeopleSpeakUp on an intergenerational, bilingual project that connects young people and care home residents with each other using stories.

We’ll be creating new stories, sharing traditional tales, and discovering new ways of working together even while we are socially distanced.

Support for Storytellers

Beyond the Border is working hard to help support storytellers during this time, from sharing weekly lists of online storytelling events with our audiences to hosting Thursday Twitter Chats at #askastoryteller.

We’re also hosting Webinar Wednesdays, offering training and support to storytellers in creating performances for film, running online storytelling events and applying for emergency financial support.

If you have any training needs or workshop ideas that you think we could help with, please email

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English (UK)