
Alys Torrence

Artist - Alys Torrence

Alys is a performance storyteller, clown and actress. Born in Stroud, half Hungarian and brought up in the middle of nowhere, she told her first story when she was six, about an Eskimo shepherd.

Alys co-runs Story Jam with Lucy Lill, producing professional storytelling nights, workshops and conflabs with other storytellers. She’s spent the past year online, recording tiny, whispered stories, running regular zoomed workshops, performing, and supporting other tellers.

She is currently working with cellist Chloe Bezer on STOOPID, a storytelling cabaret show.
Based in London, she works across the UK, in all sorts of venues including the Soho Theatre, London, Tobacco Factory Theatres, (Bristol) Summer Squall (Ramsgate), Etcetera Theatre and The Gatehouse (London), Kew Gardens, and at clubs and festivals around the country. She also tells terrifying myths to school children in inner-city London primary schools with The Latin Programme.

Saturday 10pm: Gwenllian, Women Who Gave No F*cks

MC at various events

Photo: Mark Dawson Photography

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English (UK)